Author Instructions
IEEE EMBS International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology is accepting paper submissions of the following type:
Two Page Summary: – If accepted, will be presented as. a Poster or Oral presentation. Initial and final versions of your paper are limited to two pages in length; over-length manuscripts will not be accepted. Two-page papers that meet the eligibility requirements will be published in IEEE Xplore.
Author Instructions to submit a paper:
When Ready visit:
Click “Submit a contribution to “Data Science 2023”.
Select the type of Submission you wish to submit
Follow all steps outlined to complete your Submission
Preparing your Paper:
The formatting of the paper must
Be written in the English language
Be original unpublished work
All submissions must be in US Letter page size format. Please follow the page margins strictly, you will not be permitted to upload your manuscript if it violates margin requirements – thus, it is highly recommended that you use the downloadable MS-Word or LaTeX template.
Both your initial and final submissions must be in double-column format.
Do not put header/footer/page numbers
Paper Guidelines:
At the time of submission, after you have filled in all the required information about the title, authors, abstract, etc., you will be asked to upload the manuscript. The manuscript will be tested for IEEE PDF compliance. It is best that you use the system’s built-in PDF conversion tool. When you upload your MS Word or LaTeX file, it will be converted to a compliant PDF. If there are margin problems, you will be asked to download and check the margin problem before submitting the file. If there are no problems with your file, you can click the Submit button to complete the submission. If you are on a slow connection, it may be better to compress your file into a “zip” file before uploading it.
(Note: only zip compression is supported; if you upload the file using other compression techniques such as gz, tar, rar etc., it will not be converted).
Each Corresponding Author (the author that submits the paper will attend the conference to present the paper and is responsible for communicating with the Conference Organizers and the paper’s co-authors). The author is limited to two (2) submissions for the conference with your registration. If an author would like to submit more than two (2) final papers to the conference, there is a fee of $100 per additional paper.
During your initial submission, you will be required to add all the co-authors of your paper. To add a co-author, you can search by their name or e-mail address by following the PIN link from the submission page. You can add them with their name and email address if they are not in the system. Please remember that once accepted, you must add any co-authors during your final submission.
IEEE EMBS International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology has a two-step submission process. The Initial Submission will first be checked for IEEE compliance and will be for review purposes and stamped for confidentiality. If your paper is accepted, you must complete a Final Submission by the published deadline.
Author Registration:
At least one paper author must be registered at the appropriate full conference rate. If complete payment of a registration fee is not received by October 27, 2023, the paper will be removed from the program. While any author of the paper may be registered, only the designated “corresponding author” may upload the final paper. Once a manuscript has been uploaded, the registration fees cannot be refunded.
Author No Show – Substitution:
EMBS enforces a strict “no show” policy. Any accepted paper in the final program must have at least one author to attend and present the paper at the conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend the Conference will be subscribed to a “No Show List” compiled by the Society. The “No Show List” will also be made available to all EMBS conference organizers, who can reject submissions from these authors in the following two years based on their past negative impact on an EMBS conference.
If a circumstance prevents you from attending (i.e., a medical emergency or visa issue), a no-show form must be completed and submitted by the corresponding author of the paper scheduled in the program.
If the corresponding author cannot attend the conference, he or she may delegate this responsibility to a co-author. Delegation of this responsibility requires that the corresponding author submit a substitution form in advance.