Code of Ethics
The EMBS AdCom approved the following Code of Ethics to provide a guideline of ethical consideration for all members and to establish its support for ethical conduct in research.
Patients and Human Subjects
- Respect human dignity and privacy of patients and human subjects.
- Ensure proper safeguarding of all confidential information, including information pertinent to patients, subjects, commercial entities, and trade secrets.
- Promote a culture of cost-effectiveness.
- Support the preservation of a healthy environment.
- Engage in research aimed at advancing the contribution of science and technology to improving healthcare provision.
- Report research results with scientific integrity and proper due credit.
- Observe the rights of human research subjects and strive for a balance between benefits and potential harm.
- Ensure a responsible and humane use of animals in research.
- Conduct clinical research studies in accordance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Good Clinical Practices (GCP).
- Hold in high regard the inter-disciplinary nature of healthcare delivery and research. Foster collegial inter-disciplinary relationships. Respect, value, and acknowledge the contribution of others.
- Encourage a culture of knowledge exchange and mentorship.
- Avoid or properly disclose conflicts of interest.
Supplemental Reading
What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important?
by David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D.