Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The EMBS AdCom approved the following Code of Ethics to provide a guideline of ethical consideration for all members and to establish its support for ethical conduct in research.

Patients and Human Subjects

  1. Respect human dignity and privacy of patients and human subjects.


  1. Ensure proper safeguarding of all confidential information, including information pertinent to patients, subjects, commercial entities, and trade secrets.


  1. Promote a culture of cost-effectiveness.
  2. Support the preservation of a healthy environment.


  1. Engage in research aimed at advancing the contribution of science and technology to improving healthcare provision.
  2. Report research results with scientific integrity and proper due credit.
  3. Observe the rights of human research subjects and strive for a balance between benefits and potential harm.
  4. Ensure a responsible and humane use of animals in research.
  5. Conduct clinical research studies in accordance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Good Clinical Practices (GCP).


  1. Hold in high regard the inter-disciplinary nature of healthcare delivery and research. Foster collegial inter-disciplinary relationships. Respect, value, and acknowledge the contribution of others.
  2. Encourage a culture of knowledge exchange and mentorship.
  3. Avoid or properly disclose conflicts of interest.

Supplemental Reading